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Manchester – Global Tipping Points with Melinda Negrón-Gonzales
March 4, 2019 @ 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Global Tipping Points
A three-part series on today’s global challenges
Monday, March 4th, 6 PM-7:15 PM
Location: Multi-purpose Room, UNH Manchester, 88 Commercial Street (Pandora Mill), Manchester. Directions & Parking Info Here. (For safety and storm closure information, check here)
WACNH Members, Fulbright Members, UNH Students and Staff- Free
General Public- $10
Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights in Turkey
Negron-Gonzales will discuss how activists have attempted to hold the state accountable for human rights violations associated with counter-terrorism, such as torture, curfews and disappearances. What legal instruments and political mechanisms have been available to them, and when have they been successful in pressuring the government to enact reform?
About Melinda Negrón-Gonzales
Melinda Negrón-Gonzales is Program Coordinator of the Politics and Society Program. She has taught at UNH since fall 2008 and teaches courses on international relations and comparative politics.
Negrón-Gonzales’s research interests span the following areas: international politics, Turkish Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, humanitarian intervention/responsibility to protect/human security, social movements, and democratization. She seeks to understand political and social change.
One strand of her research looks at changing ideas about humanitarian intervention – when the international community (working through the United Nations) attempts to prevent and respond to genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Recently, she’s written about the international community’s response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria, and also the Organization for Islamic Cooperation’s response to ISIS terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa.
Negrón-Gonzales also conducts research on social and political change in Turkey, specifically exploring how social movements work to push democratization in Turkey. For example, one of her recent publications examines how feminist activists in Turkey have attempted to shape legislative reform and advance women’s rights under an Islamic conservative government.
Presented in partnership with UNH Manchester’s homeland security, history, humanities and politics and society programs, the Fulbright Association, and the Turkish Cultural Center of New Hampshire