THURSDAY JANUARY 16 – 6:00-8:00 PM

JUPITER HALL – 89 Hanover St., Manchester

Join us for food, music, stories and a silent auction

View professional photographs of artworks created by teenage asylum seekers who were kept in a detention center in Tornillo, Texas. The artwork shows us that children from Central America remember the beauty of their countries, even though they were forced by gangs and governments to leave.

Additional programs on Thursdays, 6-8 PM at Jupiter Hall:

Jan. 23 – The Journey (film “Which Way Home” and discussion)

Jan. 30 – Trauma and Healing (a panel of professionals who

work with children affected by trauma)

Feb. 13 – What to do/How to help (activists and helpers share the ways they work to bring change and help others)

Sponsored by Welcoming Manchester, Welcoming New Hampshire, and the Kent St. Coalition

Questions:  Email or message us on the WM Facebook page