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Manchester – ACLU of NH Youth Forum on Race and Racism

October 20, 2018 @ 5:00 AM - 12:00 PM



Youth Forum

The American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire (ACLU of NH) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to defending the individual rights of all people — regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, socio-economic status, immigration status, or race. We The People Dare To Create A More Perfect Union.

ACLU of NH Youth Forum on Race and Racism in New Hampshire
Saturday, October 20, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m.
Manchester Community College, Multipurpose Room
1066 Front Street
Manchester, NH 03102

The Youth Forum on Race and Racism is interactive, youth-led, and youth-focused with a goal of developing an awareness and understanding about ways to continue changing the narrative around race and racism in New Hampshire and to achieve racial equity in our local communities statewide. At this Youth Forum, you will be challenged to analyze power structures that impede upon social equity in preparation to be effective social justice organizers and change-makers. The multiracial team of high school and college age youth and grassroots community organizers, trainers, and facilitators includes people with anti-racist and equity organizing experience. The Youth Forum is for high school juniors and seniors, community college, and four-year university students of color and white students. Youth Forum participants will:

  • Develop a common working definition of racism and an understanding of its different forms, including individual, institutional, linguistic, and cultural.
  • Develop a common language for examining racism in New Hampshire communities.
  • Understand one’s own connection to institutional racism and its impact on their community work.
  • Understand why the role of institutions in exacerbating institutional racism for communities of color and how all of us, including white folk, are adversely impacted by racism every day, everywhere.
  • Address surface assumptions about how your work is (or is not) affected by racism.
  • Gain knowledge about how to be more effective in your work with organizations, communities, and families.
  • Understand the role of community organizing and building effective multiracial coalitions to achieve racial equity in New Hampshire.

Registration is free and required. The registration deadline is Saturday, October 6, 2018, two weeks in advance of the forum, which takes place on Saturday, October 20 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Participants must commit to attending the entire forum. Reserve your space by completing the information below. Space is limited.


October 20, 2018
5:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Category:


Manchester Community College
Manchester, NH United States + Google Map
