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Manchester – The Story of Us

September 21, 2018 @ 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM


Immigration. Storytelling. One Night.

The Story of Us. The Stories you do not know.

A Free Event

Celebrate Welcoming Manchester‘s Welcoming Week, an annual celebration that invites communities across America to bring their immigrants and U.S.-born residents together.

Everyday the media floods our lives with news stories about the immigrant crisis. Often times, the experiences of the people living in the throes of it are silenced by design. Not anymore. We are refocusing the lens.

“The Story of Us” is a one night event that uses the power of storytelling to explore the lives of immigrants from local communities. Several will be joining us to share their stories live. Join us as they recount their journeys to the United States and share their experiences as immigrants in our communities. This program will offer live storytelling, a mixed media exhibit, and opportunities for community dialogue and interaction.

No person’s story is alike, yet all of our stories are connected. Our experiences are parts of a larger human narrative. We encourage you to learn about the stories you don’t know. We invite you to The Story of Us.

*Join us as we start new conversations about immigration/refugee resettlement, community, and inclusion.*

Kya Roumimper will be one of the hosts. We recently held “The Story of Us Premiere” in April as the final thesis event of Kya’s M.Ed program at Merrimack College. Kya will share her discovery and findings from that event.

Location: Jupiter Hall
Date: Friday, September 21, 2018
Time: 6:30pm-9pm
Refreshments will be served

For more information please contact Katie Bérubé at

About Jupiter Hall
Jupiter Hall is a community-oriented Multi-purpose venue located in Manchester, NH where communities experience arts, culture and innovation. Our mission is to showcase and present exciting opportunities for storytellers, creatives and professionals working with Digital Media and other innovative formats to share their stories, culture and vision.


September 21, 2018
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Category:


Jupiter Hall
89 Hanover St.
Manchester, NH 03101 United States
+ Google Map


Jupiter Hall
Welcoming Manchester
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