Please note that Welcoming New Hampshire promotes relevant events and learning opportunities on our calendar but we are not necessarily affiliated with these events or host organizations.

Have an event to share? Please contact us.

Kwanzaa (African-American/Pan-African)

NH, United States

"As an African American and Pan-African holiday celebrated by millions throughout the world African community, Kwanzaa brings a cultural message which speaks to the best of what it means to be African and human in the fullest sense. Given the profound significance Kwanzaa has for African Americans and indeed, the world African community, it is […]

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

NH, United States

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, also referred to as MLK Day for short, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns to end racial segregation and for racial […]

MLK Celebration 2022

NH, United States

40th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Community Celebration on Zoom and on Manchester Public Television (MPTS), Channel 16. Find the Zoom link at This event is free and open to the public. All are welcome. Special guest Tj Wheeler is a jazz, blues and roots-related concert festival musician and educator. Musical selections by the […]


2022 MLK Jr. Coalition Community Celebration

NH, United States

40th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Community Celebration Virtual Program: Monday, January 17, 2022: 1:30 pm-3:00 pm The MLK Jr. Coalition is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting: Topic: MLK Jr. 40th Annual Community Celebration Time: Jan 17, 2022 01:30 PM Eastern Time Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 838 1599 2942 Passcode: […]


Webinar – Immigration Advocates Network: How to Support Citizenship in Your Community

NH, United States

As the number of immigrants coming into the US increases, it can be a challenge for community leaders to help immigrants navigate the path to immigration legal status or citizenship. During this webinar, Welcoming America partners at the Immigration Advocates Network (IAN) will share the tools and resources they have created to increase access to […]


Manchester – Love from the Walls: Free Them All

NH, United States

Love transcends walls, bars and cages. Hold the date for a community art action to share messages of love, solidarity and resilience. Join AFSC-NH for “Love From The Walls” a community action to celebrate Valentine’s Day and the people we love as part of our Free Them All campaign, calling for a future without incarceration. […]


Celebrating Black History Month with NH Small Businesses

NH, United States

Join New England Regional Administrator Mike Vlacich and NH District Director Amy Bassett along with Tuesday Belanger of 'Tuesday Talks' for a webinar to celebrate National Black History Month. Meet 3 local business owners and community leaders to gain insight, fresh perspectives, conversation, and learn ways to engage and connect with community programs and local minority-owned […]


Online – Advocacy Training

NH, United States

Learn how to make change in the Granite State with the Stay Work Play Advocacy Network! This training will provide an overview of the NH state legislature and how a bill becomes a law, and when advocacy is most needed within the process. You'll then learn how to effectively craft your advocacy message and use […]


Manchester – Let’s Talk Dream Jobs

Millyard Museum 200 Bedford St, Manchester, NH, United States

Join MCAC on Saturday, February 19, 2022 at the Millyard Museum for a community skill share event. Join BIPOC, Immigrant, Queer youth and adults to connect with community members from diverse professional backgrounds to learn how to build the skills and gain the experiential knowledge needed to succeed and secure professional dreams and goals.Register hereMCAC […]


Online – Covering U.S. Law Basics with Afghan Arrivals

NH, United States

Are you new to refugee resettlement? Are you working with Afghan arrivals? Are you unsure how to discuss U.S. laws during Cultural Orientation? If you answered yes to at least two of the questions, CORE’s next webinar is for you. Covering U.S. Law Basics with Afghan Arrivals is a 45-minute webinar scheduled for February 28 […]
