Please note that Welcoming New Hampshire promotes relevant events and learning opportunities on our calendar but we are not necessarily affiliated with these events or host organizations.

Have an event to share? Please contact us.

Online – Welcoming America’s Welcoming Interactive

NH, United States

Join over 400 leaders who are building inclusive and prosperous communities by ensuring everyone belongs. From May 5-6, Welcoming America's Welcoming Interactive conference is going virtual, with all sessions webcast over Zoom. Registration is free and open the public. REGISTER NOW The Welcoming Interactive is an annual conference that highlights successful practices and inspiring stories […]


Online – NH People’s Budget Community Conversation: Public Health & State Budget

NH, United States

New Hampshire people deserve a state budget that invests in our communities’ health, education, recovery, opportunity, and vitality. Not one that gives tax cuts to the wealthiest at the expense of essential services and programs. Stand with us to demand that we the people deserve a state budget that serves ALL Granite Staters! Recently, the […]


Online – Anti-Racist Action: A Continuous Transformation

NH, United States

A series to help build your understanding of what it means to be anti-racist and how to take intentional action for sustainable change. In partnership with New Hampshire for Anti-Racist Education (NHARE), "Anti-Racist Action: A Continuous Transformation" will help build your understanding of what it means to be anti-racist and how to take intentional action […]


Manchester – ‘Communities Not Cages’ Car Caravan & Rally

Blessed Sacrament Parish 14 Elm St., Manchester, NH, United States

As we celebrate mothers and caregivers this May, the absence of incarcerated loved ones is acutely felt for families and communities who are forced to navigate daily life and celebrate without them. Join us us for a car caravan around the Valley Street Jail and rally (in person and online) in Manchester, NH on Friday […]


Found Lineage: Celebrating African American Roots & Branches

NH, United States

2021 Juneteenth Celebration Event includes: Workshop, Concert, Keynote Address, and Ancestor Reverence Drumming & Dance. Information coming soon! Visit:

Nashua – Juneteenth Celebration 2021

NH, United States

Join Black Lives Matter Nashua for a Juneteenth Celebration! This event will be in-person and socially distanced. Masks and face coverings are strongly encouraged. Location details and more information will be announced soon. Visit: If you are a community member interested in volunteering at this event, please email


Frederick Douglass Statewide Community Readings

NH, United States

On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass, an abolitionist and heroic orator for liberty, delivered one of his most famous speeches in which he asked, “What to the slave is your Fourth of July?” In addressing an Independence Day observance in Rochester, New York, his speech was a blistering indictment of an American idealism that ignored […]


Online – Educator Webinar: Immigrant Student Success

NH, United States

How do you support foreign-born students and bring immigration into the classroom particularly during times of crisis? Immigrant and refugee students of all ages have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise in anti-immigrant sentiment. Learn how to support immigrant students, combat anti-immigrant sentiment and center the immigrant voice across the curriculum […]

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