Please note that Welcoming New Hampshire promotes relevant events and learning opportunities on our calendar but we are not necessarily affiliated with these events or host organizations.
Have an event to share? Please contact us.
Online – Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembered
NH, United StatesEvery year, all over the world, people gather to remember the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On the seventy-fifth anniversary of those bombings, gather with American and international peace groups, for a live streaming remembrance hosted by Kevin Martin, President of Peace Action, the ceremony will be led by Reverend Elizabeth Theoharis co-chair of […]
NH – Solidarity Network Day of Action for Immigrant Justice
NH, United States1pm: Jericho Walk/Drive & Vigil at Norris Cotton Federal Building, 275 Chestnut St., Manchester 3pm: Car Rally at Strafford County Detention Center, Dover 4pm: Socially Distant Rally & Picnic at Maranatha Indonesian Church, Madbury Visit:
Online – Gubernatorial Candidate Forum Hosted by NAACP Nashua
NH, United StatesFree online Zoom event: get to know the NH gubernatorial candidates. Register here: You can email your questions to Dan Feltes (Democrat), Andru Volinsky (Democrat), and Darryl Perry (Libertarian) will be in attendance. All candidates received invitations, including Gov. Sununu.
Concord – Market Month: International Art Day ft. multicultural dance performances
New Hampshire State House 107 N Main St, Concord, NH, United StatesSave the Date! Intown Concord's annual Market Days Festival has been reimagined as "Market Month" and we will be participating on Saturday, August 22 for International Art day! We will be at the NH State House presenting international art, dance, and music! Details to follow - stay tuned!
Online – The Black National Convention 2020
NH, United StatesBuilding Power & Policy in Defense of Black Lives
Online – NH Listens Roundtable: Sticking with a Tough Conversation Across Political Differences
NH, United StatesWe are living in a very divided time. Regardless of the topic, many of us have experienced loss of or harm to treasured relationships because of politics. How do we navigate relationships we want to preserve, despite the hurt and confusion? Do family and friends supersede politics? For most people, it does. How do we […]
National – Welcoming Week 2020
NH, United StatesAt a time when political rhetoric has deepened divisions and the COVID-19 pandemic has renewed anti-immigrant sentiment, Welcoming Week reminds us to double down on our inclusive vision and find new ways to bring together people across lines of difference to develop greater understanding and mutual support. That is why our theme for this year’s […]
Concord – 45,000 Quilt Celebration
Eagle Square Concord, NH, United States45,000 Quilt celebration event on September 12th, 10AM, at Eagle Square in Concord, NH. Sept. 12-20, 2020 is Welcoming Week - a time to celebrate the New Americans in our community. Please join the Kent St. Coalition’s Human Rights Working Group and the American Friends Service Committee as we showcase this monumental labor of love. […]
Online – Refuge or Refusal: A Conversation about Turning Points in U.S. Immigration History
NH, United StatesJoin the Museum of History and Holocaust Education and CivicGeorgia for a Welcoming Week conversation about legislative turning points in U.S. immigration history as well as the ebb and flow of welcoming and exclusion in the American experience. The session will begin with a review of key moments in the history of immigration and citizenship […]
Online – Building Relational Infrastructure: An Interactive Conversational Experience
NH, United StatesJoin us for a national interactive conversational experience facilitated by Welcoming America's partner, Civity. This experiential event will give participants a chance to connect with others in a series of intentional, authentic one-on-one conversations using Zoom breakout rooms in a relational and welcoming way. Participants will practice actionable strategies for building relational infrastructure in their […]