Please note that Welcoming New Hampshire promotes relevant events and learning opportunities on our calendar but we are not necessarily affiliated with these events or host organizations.
Have an event to share? Please contact us.
Manchester – 38th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Community Celebration
Temple Adath Yeshurun 152 Prospect St, Manchester, NH, United StatesWE THE PEOPLE: RECLAIMING THE POOR PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGN 2:00 pm—3:00 pm: Community food sharing & Musical sections by the Manchester High School Jazz Band, directed by Diane Francoeur 3:00 pm- 5:00 pm: Program including interfaith choir, awards and panel discussion: Senator Melanie Levesque (moderator), Debbie Opramolla, Brenda Lett, Rep. Wendy Thomas, Will Hopkins Free to […]
National Day of Racial Healing
NH, United StatesABOUT THE NATIONAL DAY OF RACIAL HEALING On Jan. 21, 2020, everyone is invited to join in for the fourth annual National Day of Racial Healing – rooted in experiences for truth telling and trust building that lead to racial healing for a more just and equitable future. Racial healing is not only important, it […]
Manchester – Uncaged Art: Film Screening of “Between Borders: American Migrant Crisis”
Jupiter Hall 89 Hanover St., Manchester, NH, United StatesAll are invited to join us for a screening of "Between Borders: American Migrant Crisis." In 2014, 90,000 unaccompanied minors made the treacherous journey from Central America to the United States. No longer are people simply fleeing poverty, now they are fleeing for their lives. Filmmakers Brent and Craig Renaud document the journey. The film […]
Manchester – Holy Family, Migrant Family Prayer Service
St. Anne-St. Augustin Parish Manchester 382 Beech St, Manchester, NH, United StatesSt. Anne-St. Augustin Parish again hosts a prayer service affirming the dignity of all refugees and immigrants, particularly those in our state whose lives are impacted by current immigration policies and enforcement practices. The service will feature stories from immigrant families, music in Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic and English as well as special prayers for those […]
Manchester – Uncaged Art
Jupiter Hall 89 Hanover St., Manchester, NH, United StatesUNCAGED ART – THE CLOSING Art exhibit closes 1/31/20 Silent Auction closes 1/30/20 Join us for our final program: Hear from people who work with local children and families who have suffered from the trauma of migrating and crossing the US border to seek asylum. We will hear about the healing power of art. And […]
Webinar – Understanding Immigration Today: Current Events in the Classroom
NH, United StatesUnderstanding Immigration Today: Current Events in the Classroom Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 3:00-4:00 PM EST Immigration is an inescapable part of the current news cycle and one that is often clouded by heated rhetoric and misinformation. Join experts from Re-imagining Migration, Facing History and Ourselves, Neighborhood of Affordable Housing and the Boston Mayor’s Office for […]
Portsmouth – EWH Tea Talk: Culture and Race in the Public Sphere
Portsmouth Public Library 175 Parrott Ave, Portsmouth, United StatesMany of our beliefs are passed along to us from our families and communities, who transmit the foundational ideas that shape how we see the world. How the arts and humanities shape their contents also have a powerful influence on how we form particular beliefs. This panel will discuss the historical role the arts, literature […]
Portsmouth – EWH Tea Talk – Racism without Racists: Educating Generations Past & Future
Portsmouth Public Library 175 Parrott Ave, Portsmouth, United StatesFrom the moment a child is born, his or her education begins. As the child grows beliefs, cultural expectations and norms are reinforced by teachers, textbooks, and classmates. For students outside the dominant culture, this aspect of the educational system can pose significant challenges for once the brain has constructed a belief, it rationalizes it […]
Manchester – Interfaith Families: Joys and Challenges
Temple Adath Yeshurun 152 Prospect St, Manchester, NH, United StatesJoys and challenges as experienced by some of our IWNH leadership in their own marriages and families. Following the presentations we will enjoy guided table discussions. Join us for refreshments and conversation after the program! Please register via email to or via our Join/Contact Us page.
Manchester – International Women’s Day Celebration
YWCA NH 72 Concord St, Manchester, NH, United StatesCelebrating International Women's Day with keynote speakers, resource tables, dance, art projects, food and fun!