Please note that Welcoming New Hampshire promotes relevant events and learning opportunities on our calendar but we are not necessarily affiliated with these events or host organizations.

Have an event to share? Please contact us.

Tisha B’Av (Jewish)

NH, United States

Tisha B'Av is an annual fast day in Judaism, named for the ninth day (Tisha) of the month of Av in the Hebrew calendar. The fast commemorates the destruction of both the First Temple and Second Temple in Jerusalem, which occurred about 655 years apart, but on the same Hebrew calendar date. Tisha B'Av is […]

Raksha Bandhan (Hindu)

NH, United States

The festival of Raksha Bandhan or the ‘bond of protection’ is all about the love between brothers and sisters. Raksha Bandhan is observed on the last day of the Hindu lunar calendar month of Shravan.

Manchester – Mahrajan 2019

Our Lady of the Cedars Church 140 Mitchell St, Manchester, NH, United States

Mahrajan (n.) arabic for a wicked good time! A Middle Eastern Food Festival held at Our Lady of the Cedars Church in Manchester, NH. Come for food, live music and dancing, gift bazaar, hookah rentals, backgammon and kids games! FREE ADMISSION!


Stratham – 25th International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

Stratham Hill Park 270 Portsmouth Ave, Stratham, NH, United States

Federation of Indigenous People of Nepal in America, New Hampshire (FIPNA NH) is going to host and celebrate 25th International Day of the World's Indigenous People on August 17, 2019 (Saturday). We would like to cordially invite you all to attend the program and witness the beautiful diversify cultural shows of Nepal along with your […]


Manchester – We Are One Festival 2019

Veteran's Memorial Park 723 Elm St, Manchester, NH, United States

The city will be celebrating its diversity in a unified way during the fifth-annual We Are One African/Caribbean Celebration on Aug. 17 at Veterans Park, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.  This festival is FREE and open to the public! Read more about the festival here:


Solidarity Walk for Immigrant Justice 2019: Concord to Dover

NH, United States

Join us as we walk from across 4 states to amplify the moral crisis we face as our country targets and expels immigrant families. We’ll, walk, march and even bike, a combined 280 miles from Concord, NH; Boston, MA; Montpelier, VT and Kittery, ME to Dover, NH. The Concord walk kicks off Tuesday, August 21 […]


Concord – Solidarity Walk for Immigrant Justice

NH, United States

The Concord walk kicks off Tuesday, August 21 at 9 am with an interfaith prayer service at South Church Concord, 27 Pleasant Street, followed by a brief stop at the US District Court, 55 Pleasant Street Walkers and Volunteers MUST sign up and complete the waiver form found here: Participants will walk the 36 […]


Freedom – Family Stories: How and Why to Remember and Tell Them

Freedom Town Hall 16 Elm Street, Freedom, NH, United States

Telling personal and family stories is fun - and much more. Storytelling connects strangers, strengthens links between generations, and gives children the self-knowledge to carry them through hard times. Knowledge of family history has even been linked to better teen behavior and mental health. In this active and interactive program, storyteller Jo Radner shares foolproof […]


Online Webinar: Countering Extremism, Intolerance and Political Violence

Online , United States

Webinar: Countering Extremism, Intolerance, and Political Violence Friday, August 23, 2019 1:00-2:00 Eastern Time During this webinar, Mary McCord, Legal Director at the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) and Visiting Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center, will talk about the rise in extremism and what proactive steps can be taken at […]


Conway – Digging Into Native History in New Hampshire

Conway Public Library 15 Greenwood Avenue, Conway, NH, United States

Abenaki history has been reduced to near-invisibility as a result of conquest, a conquering culture that placed little value on the Indian experience, and a strategy of self-preservation that required many Abenaki to go "underground," concealing their true identities for generations to avoid discrimination and persecution. Robert Goodby reveals archaeological evidence that shows their deep […]

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