Please note that Welcoming New Hampshire promotes relevant events and learning opportunities on our calendar but we are not necessarily affiliated with these events or host organizations.

Have an event to share? Please contact us.

Pembroke – Immigrant and Refugee Support Group

New Hampshire Conference Center 140 Sheep Davis Road, Pembroke, NH, United States

Immigrant and Refugee Support Group Here are some key tasks members of this group focus on: Supporting the Maranatha Indonesian UCC church in person by visiting them on the first Sunday of the month for their English service. No experience necessary. If you get to know someone with an open case you could write a […]


Laconia – Multicultural Festival

Rotary Park 30 Beacon St E, Laconia, NH, United States

A celebration of music, arts, crafts and cuisine in Downtown Laconia!


Deering – All Eyes Are Upon Us: Racial Struggles in the Northeast, from Jackie Robinson to Deval Patrick

Deering Community Church 763 Deering Center Road, Deering, NH, United States

From Brooklyn to Boston, from World War II to the present, Jason Sokol traces the modern history of race and politics in the Northeast. Why did white fans come out to support Jackie Robinson as he broke baseball's color barrier in 1947 even as Brooklyn's blacks were shunted into segregated neighborhoods? How was African-American politician […]


Concord – Immigration Bond Training – NH Immigrants’ Rights Project

New England College Concord 62 N Main St, Concord, NH, United States

Now is the time to act! ACLU of New Hampshire has launched the New Hampshire Immigrants’ Rights Project dedicated to recruiting and training volunteer lawyers and providing direct representation for immigrant detainees at Strafford County Department of Corrections in Dover, NH. We have our bond hearing training scheduled for September 13, 2018, at 6:00 PM at […]

Welcoming Week 2018 (Sept. 14-23)

What is Welcoming Week? Welcoming Week is a national celebration coordinated by Welcoming America and member organizations. During this annual series of events, communities across the nation bring together immigrants, refugees, and native-born residents to raise awareness of the benefits of welcoming everyone. In 2017, there were more than 700 events around the country. Welcoming […]

Manchester – Glendi 2018

St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral 650 Hanover Street, Manchester, NH, United States

Glendi enhances the culture of the Greek Orthodox church, it brings the community together, and most important it’s a party for all. Glendi – the word itself means – “good times”. So join us September 14th, 15th and 16th for Glendi 2018. Hours Friday & Saturday Sept 14 – 15, 11am – 10pm Sunday Sept […]

Manchester – Seminario para Compradores de Casa

HOMEteam 801 Elm St., 2nd Floor, Manchester, NH, United States

Los presentadores comparten su experiencia y conocimientos atravez de una introducción sobre el proceso de comprar una casa. La clase revisa los pasos para convertirse en un dueno de una vivienda, incluyendo presentaciones de los líderes de la industria. Esta clase es ensenada en Espanol. $69 Costo de Materiales Incluye: "Haciendo Realidad el Sueño Americano": Un […]


Nashua – Home Buyer Seminar

United Way of Greater Nashua 20 Broad Street, Nashua, NH, United States

If you want to learn more about buying your home or are not sure where to start, join us for the next Home Buyer Seminar. This program reviews the Steps to Home Ownership and gives you the tools and resources needed to make good financial decisions at every stage of the home buying process. The […]


Nashua – Multicultural Festival

Elm Street Middle School 117 Elm St, Nashua, NH, United States

Join us on September 15 from 12-4 p.m. in the cafeteria of Elm Street Middle School for the Nashua Multicultural Festival! This FREE event, which is organized by the Nashua Mayor's Office and the Nashua Multicultural Festival Planning Committee, will feature multicultural food, art, dance and more! Free samples of foods from a variety of […]


Manchester – From Texas to Burma: Refugee Crises and the Need for American Leadership

Southern New Hampshire University 2500 North River Road, Hooksett, NH, United States

From Texas to Burma: Refugee Crises and the Need for American Leadership Senator Jeff Merkley will discuss the global refugee crises that extends from South America, to Africa, Asia, and Europe. The Senator will be on hand to discuss the need for American leadership in dealing with the global crises that has led to over […]

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