Please note that Welcoming New Hampshire promotes relevant events and learning opportunities on our calendar but we are not necessarily affiliated with these events or host organizations.

Have an event to share? Please contact us.

Seabrook – A Short Course on Islam for Non-Muslims

Seabrook Library 25 Liberty Lane, Seabrook, NH, United States

The foundation of Western civilization rests on three monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The interaction between and among these systems of belief continues to impact events in daily life and politics on the world stage. Following an outline of Islamic beliefs and practices by Charles Kennedy, discussion turns to how Islam is practiced […]


Nashua – IANH Vasant Festival 2018

Nashua High School North 8 Titan Way, Nashua, NH, United States

Kindly save the date for the most exhilarating event of the year- The IANH Vasant Festival 2018. Date: Sunday, May 20, 2018, 12 pm onwards at Nashua High School North, Nashua NH. Stay tuned for more details. Visit For inquiries write to

Concord – Love Your Neighbor: A Community Celebration

Keach Park 7 Newton Ave, Concord, United States

Join us for a community celebration! There will be hot dogs and hamburgers, a soccer tournament, DJ and dancing, activities, and lots more fun! Admission is FREE!


Concord. Love Your Neighbor Celebration

Keach Park 7 Newton Avenue, Concord, NH, United States

Please Join Our Friends and Neighbors for a Community Celebration.  BBQ, Soccer, Music, Dancing, Activities, Friends, Fun.

Manchester – Meeting to Plan Welcoming Manchester Events

Jupiter Hall 89 Hanover St., Manchester, NH, United States

Planning Conversation Cafes, Welcoming Week and other events that bring people from the "receiving" and immigrant communities together. All ideas welcome! Location: Jupiter Hall, 89 Hanover St., Manchester, NH 5:30PM - 7PM


Manchester – My Voice Matters

YWCA NH 72 Concord St, Manchester, NH, United States

My voice matters because… It’s my town. It’s my job. It’s my family’s health. It’s my child’s education. When family members act as advocates, their children do better. Educators, physicians, employers, and elected leaders want the best for you and your family. They count on you to let them know what would be helpful. “Deciding […]


Manchester – World Refugee Day 2018

SNHU Center for New Americans, YWCA NH 72 Concord St, Manchester, NH, United States

Join us to observe the World Refugee Day 2018 in Manchester. Refugees have opened businesses, contributed significantly, and become productive members of communities that welcomed them. Many become American citizens and see their children graduate from U.S. schools. We would be honored for you to attend our event to celebrate and share time with refugees […]


Dover: #FamiliesBelongTogether Rally and City Council Action

City Hall 288 Central Ave, Dover, NH, United States

It is SO important for communities to come together to raise up our voices against injustice when we encounter it. Injustice is the Trump Administration’s policy around separating families at the border. Injustice is CBP questioning people waiting to board a private bus on Memorial Day weekend. Injustice is CBP setting up checkpoints on highways […]

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