Immigration has become one of the most contested topics in our nation. We are bombarded by the media with different, often polarized positions and countless conflicting statements, making it extremely difficult to know what to believe or where to find correct information.

Immigration is not a simple or straightforward process, meaning many Americans have been left with little to no understanding of the different visa categories and the process of immigrating to the US.  We often hear comments such as “why don’t they get in line?,” or “why haven’t they become citizens yet or just get legal?”  The answer is that obtaining papers is not as easy as going to the Post Office to change your address, and far too often, obtaining legal permanent residency and/or American citizenship is not even an option.

Immigration 101 explains the current immigration system and it explores facts vs. myths about the process of immigrating to the U.S. This informational program helps people begin to understand the complexities of our immigration system and the lives of our immigrant neighbors.

The presentation covers:

  • Brief history of immigration law in the United States
  • Current immigration law and policies
  • The role of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E) in NH
  • The stories of those affected here in New Hampshire
  • How to stay informed and active on immigration issues
  • Answers to questions you have about immigration policies

This informational program is being offered across the state of New Hampshire. It is sponsored by the NH Alliance for Immigrants and Refugees (NHAIR) and the Granite State Organizing Project (GSOP).

Immigration 101 can be scheduled as a public event or presented to closed groups. Churches, libraries and organizations across the state have already begun hosting Immigration 101 presentations. If you’d like to see an Immigration 101 presentation in your area, or if you’d like to schedule another one, we want to hear from you!

To schedule an event in your community, contact Eva Castillo at