Webinar: Developing An Immigrant Friendly Economy And Diversified Workforce

Dear Partners in Equity:

NH Businesses for Social Responsibility has created an opportunity to learn about a promising model of workforce diversification with business leaders in NH.

As you may know, Easterseals has been partnering with Welcoming Manchester and immigrant community leaders to provide a culturally effective approach to recruit, train and retain workers for their residential facilities.  This model was featured in the last NH H&EP newsletter (http://www.healthynh.com/index.php/e-newsletter/687-meeting-challenges-by-recognizing-mutual-opportunity.html).

It will be presented via webinar on June 8th.  Click below to learn more and to sign up for this free webinar.

Developing An Immigrant Friendly Economy And Diversified Workforce

Thursday, June 8, 2017 – 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Gain insights on 1) information about the economic necessity for developing an immigrant friendly economy and diversified workforce, and 2) proven tools and resource knowledge to engage in workforce diversification.

Speakers will include:

  • Kelly Laflamme, Program Director, Endowment for Health,
  • Eva Castillo, Program Director, NH Alliance for Immigrants and Refugees,
  • Tina Sharby, SHRM-CP, PHR, Chief Human Resources Officer, Easter Seals and
  • Arnold Mikolo, Leadership Team, Welcoming NH.


Our shared future relies on NH being both immigrant-friendly and age-friendly.

Watch our #NHWelcomes film: https://youtu.be/_ROR2sTBTIQ
Kelly Laflamme
Program Director
Endowment for Health
One Pillsbury Street, Suite 301
Concord, NH 03301
Email: klaflamme@endowmentforhealth.org
Twitter: @KLaflammeEFH
Phone: 603-228-2448 x317