Please refer to the links below for information and updates on vaccine allocation in New Hampshire. This information explains who can register to receive the vaccine, how to register, and the estimated time frame for each phase of vaccine allocation.
New Hampshire COVID-19 Vaccine Phases
Learn about the vaccine registration process, determine if you qualify, and register here:
New Hampshire COVID-19 Vaccination Allocation Plan Summary (Jan. 16, 2021):
Public Health Update released by Governor Sununu (Jan. 5, 2021):
For information on COVID-19 in NH, guidelines, testing, vaccine planning, and translated materials, visit:
For specific information on the vaccine and allocation planning in NH, visit: https://www.nh.gov/covid19/resources-guidance/vaccination-planning.htm
Translated information from the link above:
Phase 1a
At-risk health workers, residents of long-term care facilities and first responders.
NH COVID-19 Vaccination Allocation Guidelines for Phase 1a (December 24, 2020)
- ASL NH COVID-19 Vaccination Allocation Guidelines for Phase 1a
| توجيهات تخصيص لقاح كوفيد-19 في ولاية نيوهامبشر للمرحلة 1(أ) (Arabic)
| Lineamientos de NH para la Fase 1a de asignación de vacunas contra el COVID-19 (Spanish)
| Lignes directrices du NH concernant la phase 1a de l’attribution des vaccins contre le COVID-19 (French)
| Orientações de NH para a Fase 1a da alocação da vacinação contra o COVID-19 de NH (Portuguese)
| चरण 1a को लागि NH COVID-19 खोप विनियोजनका मार्गदर्शनहरू (Nepali)
| Amabwiriza Arebana no Gukwirakwiza Urukingo rwa COVID-19 muri Leta ya New Hampshire Icyiciro cya 1a (Kinyarwanda)
| Miongozo ya Ugawaji wa Chanjo ya NH COVID-19 kwa Awamu ya 1a (Swahili)
| Hướng Dẫn Phân Bổ Tiêm Vắc Xin Ngừa COVID-19 Giai Đoạn 1a Tại NH (Vietnamese)
Additional phases will be added as future vaccine allocation is determined.
Frequently Asked Questions
NH COVID-19 Vaccination Planning Frequently Asked Questions (December 18, 2020)
- ASL COVID-19 Vaccination Planning Frequently Asked Questions | توجيه السفر والفحص واالستبعاد ألرباب العمل (Arabic)
| Conseils sur les voyages, le dépistage et les exclusions pour les employeurs (French)
| Amabwiriza y’Umukoresha ku bijyanye n’Ingendo, Kwipimisha, ndetse no Gushyirwa mu Muhezo (Kinyarwanda)
| रोजगारदाता यात्रा, परीक्षण तथा बहिष्करण मागगदर्गन (Nepali)
| Orientação para viagem, triagem e exclusão do empregador (Portuguese)
| Guía de viajes, detección y exclusión para empleadores (Spanish)
| Mwongozo wa Usafiri wa Mwajiri, Uchunguzi na Kujitenga (Swahili)
| Hướng Dẫn về Đi Lại, Sàng Lọc và Loại Trừ Dành Cho Nhân Viên (Vietnamese)