Destination NH, New Hampshire Magazine‘s “unofficial Guide to New Hampshire,” highlights the many reasons one might choose to visit, move to, and perhaps even put down roots in the Granite State. From good eats to outdoor feats, rich culture and history to unique opportunity, New Hampshire is truly a state with just about everything to offer.

In the 2018 edition, Destination NH features the story of how Mohammed Mustak and his family came to live in Nashua, NH after fleeing Myanmar (formerly Burma) and why the family plans to stay in the NH community they love.

A glimpse of the article:

“’From the first day I arrived in America, I was happy. My son Rabiul will have the opportunity to go to school. My daughter Alisha, born here four years ago, is the first official citizen of any country in my family,’ says Mustak” (Feeling Welcome, Destination NH 2018).

Read the full story here: Destination NH 2018_Feeling Welcome

or access the full digital edition of Destination NH 2018 to read Mustak’s and others’ stories of feeling welcome in New Hampshire.