Welcoming New Hampshire
Latest News
The Green Card Game
Take a moment to try to gain a green card, it's not as easy as many think.... Click Here to play
Sewing Machine Donation
If you know of any refugees in the Franklin/Concord/Manchester area who would like working, simple sewing machines, please let us know at WelcomingNH@miracoalition.org A donor is having several machines serviced, with the intent of donating them. Do you know of...
NH Charitable Foundation – Racial Justice Fund
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is reaching out to partners across our networks and communities to share this opportunity for anyone interested in joining the Community Design Team for the Foundation’s Racial Justice Fund. The community-led Racial...
Housing Equity in New Hampshire.
National Council on Interpreting in Healthcare: Building Language Access Infrastructure in Healthcare: Legal, Regulatory, and Patient Experience Perspectives.
The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care is a multidisciplinary organization whose mission is to promote and enhance language access in health care in the United States. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdEif2jqoDM&authuser=0
Upcoming Events:
Welcoming NH promotes relevant events & learning opportunities but is not necessarily affiliated with the events or organizations listed here.
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