Welcoming New Hampshire

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Tax Payments by Undocumented Immigrants

New Americans pay Billions in Taxes in the US and Tens of Millions in NH. Key Findings Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining...

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Nashua Area: Important Transportation Survey!

The Nashua Regional Planning Commission is surveying to update the Greater Nashua/Souhegan Valley Region's Locally Coordinated Transportation Plan (LCTP) for community transportation. Community transportation includes public bus services, senior shuttles, hospital...

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Immigrants critical to bridging NH’s workforce gaps

By SHERYL RICH-KERN Business NH Published: 06-04-2024 10:43 AM https://www.concordmonitor.com/Immigrants-NH-Workforce-Gaps-55437030 In the early 20th century, as much as one-quarter of NH’s population was foreign born. Despite language barriers and lack of education,...

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