Welcoming New Hampshire
Latest News
The truth about immigrants in Michigan
By Jack Lessenberry, Michigan Radio July 13, 2017 Link to article
How will the Supreme Court decision impact refugees? Important updates to the Executive Order in 18 languages
By Jessica Marks, Refugee Center Online June 28, 2017 Link to article
Concord High seniors prep to college after immigrating to the U.S.
By Lucas Masin-Moyer, Monitor staff June 12, 2017 Link to article
Concord Refugee Faces Charges, Barriers and Misunderstanding
By Emily Corwin NHPR Link to article
Webinar: Developing An Immigrant Friendly Economy And Diversified Workforce
Dear Partners in Equity: NH Businesses for Social Responsibility has created an opportunity to learn about a promising model of workforce diversification with business leaders in NH. As you may know, Easterseals has been partnering with Welcoming Manchester and...
Upcoming Events:
Welcoming NH promotes relevant events & learning opportunities but is not necessarily affiliated with the events or organizations listed here.
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