“No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

On Saturday May 1, New Hampshire activists honored International Workers’ Day (also known as May Day) by raising up the voices and concerns of NH workers in front of the State House.

The rally was sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee, One Fair Wage, Granite State Organizing Project, NH Alliance for Immigrants and Refugees, Welcoming New Hampshire, Rights and Democracy NH, 350 New Hampshire, NH Youth Movement, NH Service Workers United for Power, NH Council of Churches, Kent Street Coalition, and NH Faith & Labor.

Speakers included Rep. Latha Mangipudi, Rep. Maria Perez, Rev. Jason Wells, Rev. John Gregory-Davis, Lidia Yen, Martha Alvarado, Martin Toe, Anthony Harris, David Holt, Linds Jakows, Eva Castillo, Isaac Grimm, Dr. Randy Hayes and Rev. Dr. Gail Kinney. Music was provided by the Leftist Marching Band.

For more details and photos, see Arnie Alpert’s fantastic coverage of the event here: Rally Lifts Up Issues Faced by NH Workers