Please note that Welcoming New Hampshire promotes relevant events and learning opportunities on our calendar but we are not necessarily affiliated with these events or host organizations.

Have an event to share? Please contact us.

Keene – A History of US Immigration Policy

Historical Society of Cheshire County 246 Main St, Keene, NH, United States

IMMIGRATION IS ONE OF THE DEFINING ISSUES OF OUR TIME. BUT THIS ISSUE IS NOT NEW TO THE UNITED STATES. How did our immigration policy start? How does today’s policy compare to that of the past? Wednesday, February 7, 2018. 7pm. A History of US Immigration Policy Former Keene State College professor and chair of the Holocaust […]

Concord – Mardi Gras Gala

Grappone Conference Center 70 Constitution Ave, Concord, NH, United States

Join Catholic Charities NH at our 13th annual Mardi Gras Gala on Saturday, February 10, 2018, at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. The Mardi Gras Gala raised over $120,000 last year, supporting services that provide pathways out of poverty. Mardi Gras is a Louisiana-themed event that celebrates the culture of New Orleans, home to […]


Durham – Immigration 101

Durham Community Church 17 Main St, Durham, NH, United States

In January, the NH Council of Churches supported an “Immigration 101” forum at St. James Episcopal Church in Keene. Eva Castillo and Sarah Jane Knoy led discussion on the history and present of US immigration practice. They answered questions and also offered ways in which citizens can be informed about, build relationships with and also […]


Dover – Active Bystander Training

First Parish Church 218 Central Ave., Dover, NH, United States

Active Bystander Training In a time when people are quicker to express anger and more likely to be angry at people “not like them”, many of us are seeking tools to respond effectively to such biased anger. This training will give you tools and insights to use in such situations and a chance to think […]


Manchester – Conversation Café: A Spanish & English Intercambio

First Congregational Church 508 Union St., Manchester, NH, United States

This Conversation Café will be in both Spanish and English! This will be a great opportunity for community members who speak either Spanish or English fluently and want to practice the other language. Or maybe you're fluent in both and want to connect with other bilingual neighbors! The idea for this event came about when […]


Keene – Italian Love Songs with Salvatore Basile

Historical Society of Cheshire County 246 Main St, Keene, NH, United States

Italian Love Songs with Salvatore Basile Italian-born singer Salvatore Basile came to America when he was three years old on the ship Andrea Doria, which sank three years later. He recalls developing his love of music as a teenager while listening to his father sing Italian love songs to his mother. It is his father […]

$10 – $15

Concord – “Let’s Talk about Racial Issues” Panel Discussion

South Congregational Church 27 Pleasant St, Concord, NH, United States

Feb. 18: Let’s Talk about Racial Issues, panel discussion Keeping the Dream Alive in Concord Let’s Talk About Racial Issues February 18, 2018, 3:00pm-5:00pm South Congregational Church, 27 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301 Panelists: Dawn Berry, Ken Barnes, James McKim Read or download A Framework for Anti-racism and racial Reconciliation Training in the Episcopal Church. “So […]


Concord – Home Buyer Seminar

CATCH Neighborhood Housing/HOMEteam 105 Loudon Rd. Unit 1, Concord, NH, United States

DESCRIPTION If you want to learn more about buying your home or are not sure where to start, join us for the next Home Buyer Seminar. This program reviews the Steps to Home Ownership and gives you the tools and resources needed to make good financial decisions at every stage of the home buying process. […]


Nashua – Human Book Festival

Nashua Public Library 2 Court Street, Nashua, NH, United States

Human Book Festival The “books” at this festival are people with stories to tell, about interesting jobs or travels; causes they have championed; experiences of prejudice due to their religion, disability, or other identity; and more. At the event, you can “check them out” for one-on-one conversations in the library. Between 1 pm and 2 […]

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